- 20/12/2021
The Malevolent of Priti Patel’s Anti-Gypsy Legislature
It is not something new for a conservative government to lodge a legislative attack on the minority group of the country and the United Kingdom does not differ in that sector as well. While since long, it is a British tradition to vilify the nomad and the minority group of the country during the time of the election (Whitehead, 2005), the new move of the Priti Patel to nullify the gypsy culture of Britain is completely different as it moves to a more permanent ground of dictatorial method to make the living of the gypsy in United Kingdom void and invalid completely.
Hence, in this essay, we shall discuss what the anti-gypsy legislature of Priti Patel states and how such legislature shall affect the lives of the gypsy in United Kingdom and therefore, we shall critically discuss the effect of such legislature in the context of Britain’s gypsy culture.
The Crust of the Anti-Gypsy Legislature of 2021
The draconian and authoritative legislation against the gypsy culture has also passed by the Parliament of UK along with a new law that widens the power of the police in UK to such extent that no one shall be able to protest freely against the movements or actions of the police. According to the Home Office report (2020), the new legislature of the land has provided the police with the ultimate authority and power to confiscate vehicles of anyone whom are suspected to be trespassing on the land and have a hidden intent of residing on same as well (Bright, 2020). By the passing of this new legislation, it shall be valid for the police to criminalise the travellers if they are being suspected that they are infringing the law of the land and trespassing on the same and this legislature shall provide the police with the authority to impose a fine that shall go upto £2500 along with jail time if the police deem so. Also, as it has been stated and concluded from the Home Office source, Priti Patel has intended the implementation of the legislature especially towards the travelling community in order to curtail the entry of unauthorised person on the land of Britain and cause vandalism. (Hymas, 2021). Further, this legislature also targets the unauthorised encampments on the lands of Britain that allegedly curtails the rights of the citizens who live in UK rightfully (Hymas, 2021).
How And Why Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill Affects the Gypsy Community
As it can be derived from the scholars’ work, the origin of the Romany gypsies is rooted in travelling from one place to another and they are essentially considered as the nomad group (Mastana & Papiha, 1992). Britain has been one of the countries of the traditional nomad or Romany Gypsy communities where they have lived since a long time. Even though from time to time they have suffered the blow of the conservative government of UK, none of the actions were of permanent nature. In the year of 1980, the conservative government had shut down many of the camps of the Gypsy community and many of their living places were sealed off (Gmelch, 1982). However, in the year of 1994, the Criminal Justice Act protected their origin and imposed a duty on the local authority not to be involved with the camps of the gypsies therein.
However, the performative oppression moves as provided by Home Secretary of the United Kingdom has essentially passed a criminal legislation against the gypsy community that would indirectly blow them off with the actions of the police and local authority as they have lost the right to protest under the new Police Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill of 2021. The matter of trespassing was of civil nature before in Britain and with the new amendment under the abovementioned legislature as proposed by Priti Patel, trespassing shall be considered a crime and the Gypsy or the nomad community shall be subjected to jail time for the same as well (East, 2021).
Critical Analysis of Priti Patel’s Anti-gypsy legislature
Priti Patel’s anti-gypsy legislature is not exactly subjected the gypsy community in precision but it has loaded the police and the local authority with immense power to do as it pleases with people who are suspected to be trespassing on the land. In critically dissecting the legislature, it is to be noted that ‘suspected’ is the key word here. Hence, police shall be able to fine or take custody of people who are alleged to be trespassing.
Also, with the Britain’s long-standing culture of the gypsy, this legislation essentially nullifies the existence of the community in whole and empowers the authority to do as it pleases and criminalizes the lifestyle of the gypsy community as well. As it has been reckoned by the Home Office Report (2020), these gypsy communities have no place to go and Britain has been there home since long. Therefore, in critically dissecting the essential of the legislature as mentioned above, it can be stated that by nullifying the lifestyle of a minority community of a country where their origins are rooted in the history of Britain, Priti Patel’s performative oppression has grossly violated the human rights under the Human Rights Act, 1988 of UK and it has also grossly violated article 5,7 and 10 of the ECHR as well.
Hence in concluding the essay and the legislature of the Priti Patel, it can be stated that the marginalised community of Britain has been beaten up publicly and legally and this move of Britain shall only endanger any travellers on UK as well. Also, with the implementation of this instant legislature, the gypsy community has essentially been ripped off their lifestyle and their culture and Britain is on a formal mission on make the gypsy community extinct.